The rejection of the Dream Act is a repudiation American values because the American dream is about the future, not the past. Our country was founded on the idea a person's worth is determined by what he or she does, not by what their parents did. The children we have turned down for American citizenship have done exactly what we ask of all immigrants. They have stood in line their entire lives earning the right to citizenship by learning American culture in our schools. They are like all of our children, some are bright and ambitious, some are searching to find themselves and some have given up. But, they are all Americans because we have insisted they be educated as Americans.
Now that they wish to show their appreciation and serve their country, they have been told that because their parents broke the law, we do not want them. How mean spirited can we be? I once had a student from Mexico who told me her family had come to America because they were hungry. Where is our compassion for our neighbors to the south? Why do we refuse to lend a helping hand to them like we have done for the many people we have accepted because their home country was in chaos and they needed help?
The rejection of the Dream Act could have grave consequences for American growth and development. Children take the messages of culture and act upon them in unexpected ways. For the children of our illegal immigrants the rejection of their application to serve our country must be disheartening. I wonder how many of them are looking for another place where they can be accepted for their accomplishments, rather than turned away for the sins of their fathers?