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Yrisarri, NM, United States
Inside every old person is a young person asking what in the hell happened!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Love Fest

Un is very talented,
Intelligent too
What does it matter 
A murder or Two?

Adulation a must or
prison with others
not pc enough
to maintain
a happy God.

What choice do 
His people have?

That is why they
Love him just like
Our president.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Blooper Check

"That ain’t shit',"
Said the young soldier
At the theatre,
In the rear, waiting
For the flic to start.
I was behind him,
watched him arrive.
He and his partner
Had mud on their boots,
No twinkle in their eyes,
They met two others
Who just like them 
appeared to be taking 
a break from  the war.
The four of them
Were talking about
The week before
When a platoon
Just like theirs 
Massacred people
At the vill of My lai 

“Me and my man,"
He explained nodding 
At the soldier next to him,
"We got a new blooper
That had to be checked out.
There in a paddy
Not too far away
Was a Mamasan
And her kid with their
Buffalo planting some
Rice in the mud of a 
Field not far from their vill
We dropped in a grenade
pointed it at them,
Pulled the trigger and
Blew them away, the
Blooper checked out
just fine." He finished
With a grin

What the fuck I thought
To myself, But just then
the music began to play.
As we all stood for the 
national hymn and then
We all calmly watched
An adventure unfold

Before our very own eyes.